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Entries in D6 2012 (7)


D6 Backstage {Dennis Rainey}

i appreciated the time Dennis gave to answer my questions, and his conviction for his unique ministry is clear. but, you know how i feel, right? women have more to do than support their husbands. women are gifted to lead in the church. and, i'm hopeful that someday we'll see more conference sessions that encourage women to lead strong for the sake of the family & the church.


D6 Reading List

D6 Reading List


a few books i've got my eye on at the D6 Conference -- 

1. Trophy Child by Ted Cunningham {Saving Parents from Performance}

2. Shrewd by Rick Lawerence {Daring to Live the Startling Command of Jesus}

3. Raising Wise Children by Mark Matlock {Handing Down the Story of Jesus}

4. Almost Christian by Kenda Creasy Dean {What the Faith of Teenagers is Telling the Church}

have you read any of these? what do you think? which books would you add? 


take it all {D6 giveaway}

you know how conferences go, right? you get a lot of stuff. books. magazines. cds. pens. candy. stuff. and, this year i want to give you all my D6 conference stuff. so, here's the deal. i'll collect as much stuff as i can. for you. and, at the end of the week i'll give away everything to one lucky winner.

how can you become that one lucky winner? good question. comment on any D6 post and you'll be entered to win. comment on two posts, you'll be entered twice. comment on three posts, you'll be entered three times. you get it. you're a smart cookie. {so far, i've collected a K!Magazine, Rob Rienow's new book, and a D6 Conference Magazine. look out. i'm just getting started. }

i'll collect. you comment. someone will win. cheers & good luck! 


D6: PreCon Session #3

session #3 at D6 conference: Lost and Found with Ed Stetzer. i appreciated his challenge to consider our teaching "christianly" before passing it along to our people. and, to think about how the truth of our teaching affects and equips the church to live on mission. we must offer our faith communities something more {different} than oprah -- something that goes beyond good and helpful living, something that transforms and encourages spiritual growth. 

Download Ed Stetzer Notes 


D6: PreCon Session #2

next session at D6 -- Effectively Ministering to Parents Who Are Cohabiting with Dale Hudson. this was a great session which challenged & helped clarified my own thoughts on what i think about the bible, and Jesus' hopes for parents raising children. my child development background wondered if it's always right to ask parents to move apart when not married. for me, it's important to understand a family's context and get to know their children before suggesting pathways for moving forward. and, i was thrilled to hear Dale mention similar things. 

Session Description: The rise of cohabiting households could be the largest unrecognized hindrance to the quality and stability of families.  Since the mid 1990’s, the number of parents living together unmarried has risen by 50%. Marriage rates have plunged in half, as there are now over 7.5 million households with cohabiting parents.  1 in every 4 children are now living with parents who are unmarried. More children are currently born to cohabiting couples than to single mothers.  By the time they graduate from high school, over 41% of all kids will have lived with cohabiting parents. 

Download Dale Hudson Session Notes Page 1 and Page 2 {old school, baby! i hand-wrote these notes. i'm flabbergasted i even had a pen in my bag.}