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Entries in DD6 2012 (2)


D6: Main Event Session #1

D6 Conference Main Event Session 1 with Pete Wilson. i appreciated the reminder to remain in God as our focus for ministry. it's far too easy to get caught up in what our volunteers want, and what parents want, and what pastors want and to lose our focus on who we're becoming and what God has specifically called us to do.

i'm processing this: what daily habit can i add in order to stay focused on my connection with God and who i'm becoming in Him? {maybe a simple chant or verse i can say throughout each day.}

Conference Focus - What’s the connection between Abiding in Christ and family ministry?

We can have the best strategy on the planet, but if we as leaders are not Abiding in the True Vine, are we producing authentic fruit? If the parents we serve are not Abiding in Christ, what will the next generation of the church look like?  Join Pastor Pete Wilson as he walks us through John 15:4-5 and lays a strong foundation for the family ministry conversation.

Download Pete Wilson Session Notes

also! i'm giving away all my D6 conference stuff. leave a comment on any D6 post to be entered. 


D6: PreCon Session #4

session #4 at D6 -- Collaborating with Church and Home with Dr. Tim Elmore. super fascinating discussion on the types of parenting styles we see today. we'd do ourselves quite a service to study these and help parents in our community understand their unique styles. i'm processing how we can do more to help parents see themselves accurately and lead them into a path of health and growth.

what do you think? 

Session Description: We not only have a new generation of students today, we are ministering to a new generation of parents—who often hover, control, erupt or drop out of the process of leading their children. This session will identify eight parenting styles and how children’s ministries can collaborate with them to disciple their children well. We will look at fresh examples of how churches and families are partnering to build strong character and leadership in the next generation. 

{PS: J.L also has some great notes on this session on his blog.}

Download Dr. Tim Elmore Notes