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#26: build a better (volunteer) meeting 

build a better meeting is collaborative project - and my most favorite thing is when a post sparks new ideas making the original idea even better!  today's contribution comes from peter bierma, children's director at amazing grace fellowship in idaho.
hey everyone! my name is Peter and i'm excited to be a part of the conversation on lemon lime kids. i’d like to get your thoughts on some things we're trying here in twin falls.

amy's long-running series on build a better meeting (do i smell a book in the oven?) got me thinking about my own meetings.  so typically we do an annual teacher training in the fall.  it's pretty much the only time that all 50 volunteers gather together, but only about half our volunteers actually show up to those.  while most of us are probably huge fans of delivering the same information in 25 additional, nonpersonal phone calls, i knew something needed to change.

so this year i quietly didn't call for the meeting - about which, by the way, i received exactly zero inquiries - and decided instead to try a video podcast. the idea is pretty simple: record myself on a webcam, upload the video to YouTube, and email the link to everyone. each one would be a bite-sized (5 minutes or less) nugget of info. also, YouTube has a nifty feature where your video can be "unlisted" to the general public; only those with the link can view the videos.

the upside is that everyone can watch it on their own schedule, and we can avoid calling for a meeting. right now we're even thinking about doing an orientation video for new volunteers, and the podcasts may be groundwork for that.

but our low meeting turnouts are indicative to me of something else: i have some work to do with rallying our volunteers towards a common ministry goal or destination.  defining that destination, "selling" it, etc… these are all weak spots in my leadership at the moment.  who knew that meetings could give cues about such things?  turns out they've given me some helpful perspective, and in the meantime there's a way for me to reach volunteers where they're at.

what have you been trying lately?  do people rally to your meetings at the drop of a hat? have you tried videos in place of training meetings?

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Reader Comments (2)

Peter I love your thoughts about using video as training. I've been bouncing that idea around in my head but haven't followed through on it. I have however decided on not doing so many volunteer meetings. Our ministry was doing volunteer meetings 2-3 times a year and none of my people were coming. It was super frustrating. We had an all ministry training at the beginning of the school year and made a HUGE deal out of it, emailed and emailed again, sent stuff out in the mail, talked it up, and emailed again... and ended up getting a great turnout. But I do think I need to start using a different model and the video option sounds great. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

November 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJill Crew

hi jill - why do you think your volunteers attended this meeting and not the others? was it a difference in communication or promotion? or was the meeting experience different? i'm always curious about what motivates volunteers!

and, how was your big radio interview? :)

November 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy Dolan

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