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you & me in 2010

originally uploaded to flickr bentheillustrator

growing up, i never would have guessed that i would chose a career as a consultant. i always wanted to be a teacher, and a hair stylist, and a red carpet fashion designer. but all of those dreams changed in college - specifically the hair stylist dream when i realized one night while doing my own hair how tired my arms were and the thought occurred to me - how could i possibly hold my arms in the air doing other people's hair all day long?

i always like to say that i sort of stumbled into the consultant career. i was happily working as achildren's ministry director and a couple of children's directors i knew started asking my advice, and actually implementing the advice i gave, and then paid me for it. it was amazing! and fun, and thrilling, and completely satisfying. i realized after those first few experiences that even more than leading something, i love to encourage, train, inspire and challenge those who are leading!

for the last couple of years i've been consulting and coaching children's ministry leaders all over the country, and this year - several from canada, and i love when we work together for a specific length of time to strategically solve issues in the ministry, or improve the leader's leadership skills, or develop new volunteer recruiting methods.

as i was working on my 2010 calendar earlier this week, i realized that i have 3 spots open in the new year for children's ministry directors looking to improve their leadership skills or develop new volunteer strategies - and i would love to offer a spot to you.

and since it's the christmas season, and i love a good bargain - i'm offering this special:

as soon as all 3 spots are filled, the 4th person to contact me - gets their spot completely free!

if you are interested in learning more - contact me for an initial conversation: | tweet me @adolan | or leave a comment on this blog

looking forward to getting to know you in the new year!

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Reader Comments (4)

I'm glad you didn't become a hairstylist. No offense, it's just that I and my team really appreciated your visit last Spring. You generated energy that propelled us foward. Good memories and new ideas still bounce around in our minds. We still have a lot of things to talk about and implement. Thanks for coming to Canada!

December 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Bourque

I am interested in some more information! Costs, etc.

December 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeborah

thank you steve for the kind words!
deborah - i'll email with more information!

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramyedolan

A teacher - now that I can see! You've taught me so much over the past few years - especially how to ask the right questions! As a new children's leader, there was so much I didn't know - looking at all this gray hair you'd think I'd have the wisdom to go along with it - but your insight into ministry has been a revelation to me! Showing me how to find and keep volunteers, run a brainstorm meeting, event planning - and, of course, finding a fresh approach to ministry - have been God-givin gifts to me and my ministry! Thanks so much for being my friend as we lead kids to Jesus!

December 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLou Ann

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