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CPC {2015}

it's CPC {children's pastors' conference} TIME!

this week -- i'll be in TN. hope to see you + encourage you.

here's where you can find me:


WORKSHOP #7: LOCAL Community -- Connecting with Leaders in Your Community

GENERAL SESSION #5: Celebrating My Community 

and, of course, wherever there's COFFEE, you'll see me. 

ALSO: during the general session on friday night, we'll be sharing a bit about our context at willow chicago + the custom, multicultural curriculum we're creating for our kids + families. we'll unveil a facebook page for folks interested in joining the conversation about how to create a new type of diverse activities for kids. if you're interested in the topic -- i'd love if you contributed to the page. or, send an email to: 

finally. INCM asked me to create this short video with a word of encouragement for my fellow kidmin leaders. whether i'll see you at CPC or not, be encouraged. much love.


the new year, so far

happy new year, and so much to say. i'll keep it short-ish. 

first up, we had the best holiday. lots of family, lots of rest, and a new baby niece added to our family. of course, our hearts are bursting in love. god is SO good to give nieces + nephews.  

then, our very first day back to work after the holidays was our child dedication + baptism service. we've tried something new in which we hold both celebrations in the same service. simply put: IT'S AWESOME. i think, it gives a great vision for what the two public committments mean. parents dedicating + choosing to raise their children in faith, and then, BAPTISM, the fulfillment of so many prayers and hopes all come together in a choice, a decision to follow and serve Jesus. 

during dedication, i said a few words about the significance of the dedication, and how the children of our church are all of our responsibilities -- that we'd never allow these parents to feel alone in their journey. we'd pray for, serve, care for, and cheer them on, always. it was a really special moment. i felt the group with me -- committed to the children of our church and their growing faith.

and THEN my boy Owen was baptized. OWEN. a 6th grader, who's been through a heap of tough stuff in the last year, and yet, has a great faith that's growing, made a decision to go public and be baptized. while he was on stage, i prayed that God would continue to heal and strengthen his heart, and that he'd use his talents to contribute to to restoring God's kingdom in the city. it was all i could do to contain my totally uncontrollable tears, in joy and praise for a God who makes all things new. 

 and now, onto a new curriculum unit for january. somedays it feels like we're writing new lessons every-day over-and-over, and maybe that's because we ARE. curriculum is hard work, and also, worth it all. this month, we're teaching old testament lessons on moses + ruth + naomi + deborah, and through it all, we'll remind kids that God helps + rescues, and often demonstrates his help by sending someone to be his blessing, his conduit. because, at the core of our curriculum is the value that we're all created in the divine image of God {regardless of our background, family makeup, or skintone}, and that we're all capable of contributing to fixing our broken world + city.

so, we'll do that again this month and believe that the spirit will speak to our kids, and help them make connections on how they're god-given strengths match up with the world's great needs. 

ALSO. if you're compelled by what i'm saying about the curriculum, and our willow chicago context, consider joining my team. in 2015, i'm hiring! more on that here. 

let's do this 2015!


christmas is for us, too

december. the month of twinkly lights and hot cocoa, christmas parties and neatly wrapped gifts. and also, december is the month of STRESS and short tempers and messy houses.

i asked my husband if he knew of a housekeeping service that cleaned houses only during december. because of our schedules, my house is a disaster with no current plans for a good cleaning. 

working in the church during the month of december is a joy. and, PURE crazy. church-event-church-event-church-event. pastoring, pastoring, pastoring. so much need. with little margin for error, and even less margin to breathe. no room to take notice that christmas is for US, too. 

christmas is for pastors and children's ministry leaders, too. of course, our ministry is to serve. and during december, there's a lot of serving to be done. but, in the midst of our serving, leading, pastoring, we have got to notice that christ the divine child has come for us, too. 

christmas is not about crazy. it's just the opposite. jesus, a child, came to the world to bring peace and light, and a break from the crazy we've known. he came to free our souls and give new life. 

pastoring and leading in december is not just about giving endlessly to others. it's also about reflecting on the divine magic and mysteries of the season. it's about receiving the words of hope for ourselves as we offer hope to others. it's about allowing the choir's songs to inspire our spirits as we expect the songs to inspire the congregation's spirits. christmas is about renewing our simple faith as we teach simple lessons to the children in our churches.

be open. someone might just minister to you this season. WHAT.

this christmas, of course, serve the people of your church with great zeal and commitment. but, don't forget to pause a few times and receive the blessing of the christ child.

today, trying to be gracious and kind to myself -- christmas is for me, too. 


i'm hiring @Willow Chicago

BIG news -- i'm looking to hire a full-time Promiseland Director at Willow Chicago in the New Year to partner with me on caring for families, developing volunteer teams, and creating multicultural curriculum. i sense God wanting to do a BIG work in the city for families, and i'm looking for a proven, innovative leader who can make great things happen.

i'm biased, but SERIOUSLY, this job is amazing. 

Chicago Promiseland Director: This full time position will lead and direct the Promiseland ministry at Willow Creek’s downtown, multicultural Chicago campus. This key leader, in partnership with the Family Pastor will develop, recruit, and pastor Promiseland volunteers, innovate and implement efficient operational systems, and contribute to Willow Chicago’s custom children’s ministry curriculum development. If you have previous leadership experience, enjoy building and inspiring effective volunteer teams, and sense a calling to lead in an exciting, diverse, city context, please consider applying.

cheers to a new year, and God doing BIG things in all of our cities!



tis the season. FOR SANTA. 

recently, a mom from church asked how she should handle telling her child about santa. here's the story: she doesn't want to lie to her kid {good parenting!}, BUT she doesn't want her kid to be the one who spoils the fun for all the other kids, AND she wants the grandparents to have their own fun spoiling the kids with heaps of santa gifts.

oh SANTA. 

my thoughts {for parents}:

1. YOU'RE the expert of your children. you know what is best for them. don't be parent-peer-pressured to do what all of the other parents are doing. consider your child, specifically, and do what's best and right for your kid. santa or not. 

2. it's easy to get caught up in the activities of the holidays without first determining the values we want our family to experience. before landing on the santa decision, decide what you hope for your family during the season. maybe you'd like your family to experience meaningful times of togetherness, or for your kids to grow in their mindfulness towards others, or for your family to extend generosity, or for your family to simply have more fun with each other. determine your values, then make the santa decision as a result of your hopes for your family. 

3. if you decide TO celebrate santa -- do it in a fun, truthful, meaningful way. i'm a fan of sharing the historical context for Saint Nicholas with children as a great way to connect santa with the holiday. this video and book are great resources to watch and read together as a family. 

4. if you decide NOT TO celebrate santa -- empower your child to be a good friend to those who celebrate a variety of traditions. help your child notice others, and affirm the differences they see. and, explain the values behind the traditions your family does celebrate.   

bottom line. spend time thinking about how you want the season to be for your family. this is what's most important. don't experience the season passively. you have the opportunity to create traditions that align with your values, and to make the season very meaningful for your kids. 

cheers to Christmas! and SANTA. 

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